Matt Wolfe

Children, Fiction
Fiction, Mystery
Children, Fiction
Matt Wolfe is a professional actor with over 22 years of experience from Seattle to Broadway and beyond. In Seattle, he has been seen at theatres like 5th Avenue Theatre, ACT Theatre, Village Theatre, and Seattle Children’s Theatre. His voiceover experience covers commercials, video games, and audio books. He has twice been nominated for the national SOVAS Voice Arts Awards in Los Angeles for his work on a series of children’s books produced by Cedar House Audio, Jeff Madison and The Shimmers of Drakmere and Jeff Madison and the Curse of Drakwood Forest. He doesn’t tell everyone this, but he started recording his own audio books of stories he wrote when he was in grade school, though the equipment was pretty primitive and the distribution limited. You can learn more about Matt and hear demos at matt-wolfe.net.

Children, Fiction
Fiction, Mystery
Children, Fiction